DIRECTOR Voodoo Von Stroheim |
First, Consider we the Magistrates Power and Obligation to Punish Vice. God has invested and intrusted you with this Power and Authority, and also has laid an Indispensable Obligation upon you, to Correct and Punish Delinquents. And here my Design is not so much to direct you that are Magistrates in your Duty, as it is to Vindicate your Acts of Justice, in bringing Criminals to condign Punishment by Representing to those that are under your Government, the Indispensable Obligation that lies upon you to Execute this Power, and to Discharge this Trust that is reposed in you by God, the King, and your bureaucracy.
The Punishing of Criminals is what is very disagreeable to all good Tempers, and for that very Reason is it most of all Ungrateful to our Pedaltic Nation, which perhaps is the most Merciful and Compassionate in the World.
Understand by His Good Name that much Upon this Character, what we reckon our Commendation may be a Fault, and our good Nature may be Censured by some as Softness and Folly: And indeed, that is but a Foolish Pity.
Penal Laws, which are absolutely necessary to the support of Religion and Government, and the Preservation of good Manners. For what Government can there be without Laws ? And what avail the best Laws, without Sanctions to enforce them ? And what signifies Sanctions without due Execution ? This is a Truth so plain and self-evident, that my Text supposes it, and takes it for granted ; and which supercedes any laborious II soen E Proof, were there not a bold fort.