DIRECTOR Malachy Roijackers |
It was the fortune of Washington to direct transactions of which the repetition is hardly within the limits of human pofsibilities. When he entered on his first presidency, all the interests of the continent were vibrating through die arch of political uncertainty. The departments of the new government were to be marked out, and filled up; foreign relations to be regulated; the physical and moral strength of the nation to be organized; and that at a time when scepticism in politics, no lefs than in religion and morals, was preparing, throughout Europe, to spring the mine of revolution and ruin. In discharging his first duties, that same intelligent, cautious, resolute procedure, which had rendered him the bulwark of war, now exhibited him as the guardian of peace. Appropriation of talent to employment, is one of the deep results of political sagacity. And in his selection of men for office, WashingTon displayed a knowledge of character and of businefs, a contempt of favouritism, and a devotion to the public welfare, which permitted the General to be rivalled only by the President. gilant and faithful, he hears the tempest roar from afar, warns her of its approach, and prepares for averting its dangers. Black are the heavens, and angry the billows, and narrow and perilous the pafsage. But his composure, dignity, and firmnefs, are equal to* the peril. Unseduced by fraud; unterrified by threat; unawed by clamour; he holds on his steady way, and again he saves his country. With lefs decision on the part of WashingTon, a generous but mistaken ardour would have plunged her into the whirlpool, and left her till this hour the sport of the contending elements. Americans! bow to that magnanimous policy, which protected your dearest interests at the hazard of incurring your displeasure. It was thus that Washington proved himself, not in the cant of the day, but in the procurement of substantial good, in stepping between them and perdition, the servant of the people.