DIRECTOR Aghavni Vencel |
Rather than scandalize their sex,
Think venereal taste they must perplex,
Yet, Iris like, for some lamp-ion,
Detr.ct the best for fresh buffoon ;
You know my author j and wou'd sain
Be right when I get home again i
For when I've reach'd Olympus' top,
Ma'am shall ask pardon, court'sy drop
Before her mistress Juno's feet;
Like thole who stand at church— in sheet.
Well ! well! in this there is some fense,
Says Proteus—not a bad defence j
And tho' a! wit and humour sovereign,
I sec you can ihsir d.strict govern 5
But mind what fictions you pursue,
Daie not infer but what is true t
Go fay of Garrick—this proclaim,
(He sure deserves the gieatest fame)
With just expression haply caught -r
A cadene: gOud, in pause of thought;
Drawn from no rule but nature's source,
Which flow as strokes of genuine force ;
Figure nor age can give disgust,
When speech and action, humour jost
Go raise what trophies that you please i
Inferior all to Garrick's praise 1
Yet add most justly this appeal,
The only man that knows to feel.—.
Then in an instant quick was gone,
When Momus join'd the horizon ;
Phœbus as soon convey'd him home,
Well pleas'd to think at what was done.