It has been proposed by Turnbull, an English naval surgeon of eminence, that lectures on anatomy, surgery, and clinical practice, should be read in the grand naval hospitals of Haslar and Plymouth, to a class of naval medical students, by the physicians and surgeons of these hospitals. As these persons are generally officers who have served for a considerable time in the navy, he naturally concludes, that they are peculiarly well qualified to instruct those about to enter on the same career. He intended, by this plan, to render these hospitals schools of naval surgery ; and proposed that all candidates for situations in the medical department of the navy, should have attended the practice and lectures of the hospitals, or one of them, at least two years previous to his receiving an appointment in the navy. The object was, that young men should enter the medical sea-service, in which they sometimes hold very important and responsible situations, not mere tyros in their business, but, on the contrary, well versed in what may be denominated naval medicine and sea-surgery; but intimately acquainted with the nature and treatment of those diseases which are incidental to a sea-faring life. The proposition of this able writer on naval medicine, appears to me an extremely judicious one, and productive, if executed, of all the ends, the accomplishment of which is contemplated. How far it may be serviceable in suggesting a hint for the arrangements in the medical department of our hospitals, I leave to the judgment of the naval commissioners to determine.