DIRECTOR   Retaliatory Milligan


FAMED as your Miscellany in general is for every thing useful and agreeable, and particularly for local and provincial terms, customs, and proverbs, I have often wondered never to have met with therein this old comparative North Country Proverb—" As bad as ploughing tt ith dogs :" which evidently originated from the farm-house j for, when ploughmen (through necessity) have a new or aukward horse (sometimes more) taken into their team, by which they are hindered andhampered— d—n it, they will fay, " This is as bad as ploughing with dog<:" this is in the fidd; and also in the house, I have seen a friendly dame, winding a ravelled lkaia of thiead or yam, exclaim with a curse, " Tins is,is bid as ploughing with dogs." Sir George had three funs; of whom' And, though taxonomy would not let _ .1 /-* / 1 J - - — the eldest, George, succeeded to the title, unmarried, in 1721. When did he.die ? What were the names of his brothers? And when did the title become extinct, which it was when the Baronetage of 1741 appeared? Your vol. Vll. p. 315. records the death of a Sir John Sidley, bait, major in the Red regiment of the London Militia, April 24, 1737. Was he the youngest brother, and last of she family ? The epitaphs of any of these would be a favour. I am aware that the baronets of South fleet, afteiwards of Nuthall in Nottinghamshne, aie an elder branch of the (am* Family. Cantianius. Mr. Urban, Chiljta, Jan. 3, PERUSING a veryold and, I believe, also a very scarce little book of Epigrams, written by one Master James Johnstone, clerk, punted ail no 1613, J, the other day, found the following J tu-a" Esprit against the Cambridge Jobniam b»gi. If you approve of its insertion, your Univeisi'ty readers may perhaps be pleased with perceiving your ludicrous correspondent, W Williams's assertion corroborated, with regard to the antiquity of the appellation. Anthony Hus. her loose the ikain till her patience was recovered, see would appry herself to other domestic business. This proverb i« the country is so common, that it it applied toany thing difficult or abstruse : even at a rubber at Whist, I have heard the minor party execrate the business in these words, " this is as bad as ploughing with dogs:" give it up for lost, change chairs, cut for pauners, and begin a new game.