DIRECTOR   Darinka Favreau


Mohair.—Tho past year has shown a most extensive business for this staple. In 1867 transactions were very light, and 1868 opened with quotations at an extremely low level. Stocks were large, but fortunately the demand soon became very great, and prices rapidly advanced. Goods woven with yarns made from mohair were the rage, and as the year progressed increased in favor. The consumption was enormous, and though, tho imports were fully one-third more than in tho preceding twelve months, the quantity coming to market was rapidly absorbed. At tho commencement of 1868 there was groat stagnation, but simultaneously with the improvement in wool there was a reaction in mohair, aud prices which iu January were quoted 2s. 5d. per pound, ran up iu February to 2u. Id. Iu March an immense business was done; the markets were cleared, and values advanc.-vl fullv 3d. por pound. April showed a continuance of the same slate of things, and a further rise of 2d. per pound was established, bringing up prices to 3s. In May there was no change of moment, but in June heavy transactions again took place, w ith a stiffening market. July was also an exceedingly active month; purchases were made as fust as arrivals were announced, and a further elevation of 3d. per pound was observable. In August there was still a-great deal of eager buyi'nr, and another leap of 3d. in value. September and October were also both busy 11101 ths, quotations ruling from 3i. 6d. to 3s. 7d. November continued the activity, and in this month the higheat price of the year was obtained, viz: 3*. 7$d. December was some what slacker, but quotatious wore still maintained, and the year closed with the same rates as those current in November. Thus, in the twelve months, an advance of Is. 2±d. per pound has been obtained, and even at present values there is great firmness. Alpaca.—The business in alpaca during the first part of the year was good. Transactions were heavy, and prices rapidly advanced. In January quotations ruled from 2s. Id. to 2 s. '.Id., but sprang up in February to 2s. 7d. In March there was no change in value, but in April 2a. Sd. was realized, and in May 2*. lOd. June was an active month, and prices were again higher, quotations having touched 3s. This was the top point of the market, as afterwards the demand rapidly fell off, and in the latter portion of the year there has been great inanition. Nominally there is no alteration in value, but there ar