DIRECTOR Lashon Zanderigo |
To this Resolution an amendment was moved to add, " And that no further grant be made to the Commississioners for that purpose."
Upon the question for adopting the amendment, it was decided in the negative.
To His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief, the sum of £500 for the farther improvement of the Royal Road, so called.
To His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief, the sum of £863 Is. to reimburse H. J. Hansard and George Wightman for expenses incurred in sundry explorations &c. of the following lines of Road the last year, under directions of His Excellency, viz :—
The Royal Road, so called ;
Road from Fredericton to Westmorland, passing the head of the Grand Lake ; and
A further exploration of a newly proposed Road, extending from that Road to the head of the tide at Richibucto River.
To William Hammond, of Saint John, the sum of £21 10s. 6d. being drawback on two puncheons of Rum and one hogshead of Geneva, exported in December, 1837, to Amherst, Nova Scotia.
To E. D. W. Ratchford, of Saint John, the sum of £7 16s. being drawback on one hogshead Brandy exported in December, 1837, to Amherst, Nova Scotia.
To Crookshank and Walker, of Saint John, the sum of £6 18s. being drawback on one hogshead of Brandy exported in December, 1837, to Amherst, Nova Scotia.
And the Chairman further reported that he was directed to ask leave to sit again.
Ordered, That the Report be accepted, the Resolutions engrossed, and leave to sit again granted.
Mr. End, from the Committee appointed on the 18th January last, to take under consideration that part of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor's Speech at the opening of the Session, relative to a new Provincial Building, submitted their Report, which he read, and handed the same in at the Clerk's Table, where it was again read, and is as follows :—
" The Committee to whom was referred that part of the Speech of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor which relates to a new Province Building, report:
" That having had the subject under consideration, they have come to the following conclusions:—They are of opinion that there exists an urgent necessity for affording
G1 accommodation accommodation to the Legislative Council; the present Chamber is quite too small, and three or four Committee Rooms seem to be indispensably necessary ; additional Committee Rooms are also required for the use of the House of Assembly; as well as a fire proof room for the safe keeping of Records and other public documents.
" The Committee do not recommend that a new Province Building should be at present undertaken, and are of opinion that the necessary accommodation can be obtained by adding a transept to the present Province Hall, the roof of which will be a continuation of the rear pediment. A plan and elevation have been submitted to the Committee by Mr. Thomas Smith, Architect; the design of which is to afford a new Council Chamber of spacious dimensions, additional Committee Rooms for the House of Assembly, and a fire proof safe of sufficient size. Of the present Council Chamber three spacious Committee Rooms may be very conveniently formed. The Province Hall is found to require repairs; the sills and under work being considerably decayed; and the roof of the Committee Rooms, and of the wing at present occupied by the Clerk of the Supreme Court, being in some degree defective.
"The whole expense of the addition and repairs recommended by your Committee would not exceed two thousand pounds, and the Committee are of opinion that if this project should meet the approbation of the House, no very important repairs or alterations may be necessary for several years.