DIRECTOR Clio Savatier |
conversation is an index to the mind. ^^ " Out of the abundance of the heart the " mouth speaketh (a)." The observation is true, not only when referring to those who use the language of openness and sincerity, but also when applied to the reserved man and the dissembler. Closeness indicates dis* trust; and often, by sharpening curiosity, causes the discovery of the very thing which is meant to be concealed. Art sooner or later drops the mask, or gives ample proof that she wears one. If it be admitted, conform* ably to general opinion, that female fluency in discourse is greater and more persevering than that of the other sex; it behoves women the more steadily to remember, that the fountain will be estimated according to the (a) Matt. c: xii. v. 34.
stream, stream. If the rill run babbling along, shallow and frothy, the source will be deemed incapable of supplying a profound and tranquil current. If the former be muddy, bitter and corrosive, its offensiveness will be ascribed to the inherent qualities of the latter.
Among the faults which it is usual to hear laid to the charge of young women, when female discourse is canvassed, vanity, affectation, and frivolousness, seem to furnish the most prevailing theme of censure. That in a great number of instances the censure is warranted, cannot l>e denied. And every young woman ought to lx>ware, lest there should be ground for applying it, with justice, to herself. For, if it should be with justice applied to her, let her be assured, that whatever may be the circumstances of palliation, by which a part of the blame may be transferred elsewhere ; there will yet be, in the most favourable case, a large residuum, for which she ought to be, and must be, personally responsible.