DIRECTOR Primitivo Gutermuth |
Have you given any estimate of the expense of the interior of the Council Office to any public Authority?—Yes.
To whom did you give the estimate of that expense ?—It was included in the general estimate presented to the Treasury.
Were any explanations entered into with the Treasury, with respect to that expense?—I was not called upon for any.
Considering that economy was to be a consideration in those public buildings, was it ever suggested to them, that they could have made a more simple interior than was afterwards made in the Council Office?—I mean to say that the Council Office and the Board of Trade could not be made in a less expensive manner, consistently with the character of Public Offices ; but if the question refers to the finishing of the Council Chamber, that might have been less expensive; but in my judgment, it ought to be of an enriched character, considering its destination and uses, and with regard to the highly decorated style of the exterior.
Was any estimate given of the expense of the interior decoration of the Council Chamber?—No separate estimate.
Or any separate drawing?—There were drawings in abundance.
The question refers to the interior of the Council Chamber ?—There were plans. > Were there any perspective views of it?—I do not remember any.
Was not it the fact, that there was no intimation given to you as to the fitting up of the Council Chamber, but it was left entirely to your discretion ?-rEntirely so.
Have you heard any complaint, of some of the rooms in which the clerks sit, being dark and unfit for business ?—None, nor do I believe that there are any.
Were any views of the interior of the Courts of Law submitted to any public Authority ?—They were not called for.