DIRECTOR Gallião Pequeno |
The fancy ball on last Wednesday night, (25th Feb.) was a sincere and cordial testimony of personal respect and esteem to Lad; Amhcrst. The President and the Stewards had done every thing that could be effected to give splendour to the entertainment, and their exertions were crowned •with the greatest success. Soon after nine the company begun to assemble, and at half-past nine the Governor-General, Lady Amhcrst, and the Honourable Miss Amberst, attended by his Lordship's stair, were received at the foot of the stairs, by Sir Charles Metcalfe, the President, Mr. Pattle, Vice President, and the Stewards, and conducted to the ball-room, where, at the upper end, a rich canopy, with golden pillars, and ornamented with oriental magnificence,. Was prepared for the reception of the distinguished guests. The Stewards were uniformly attired in court dresses. Lord Amhcrst appeared in his full court dress, and Lady Amherst and Miss Amherst in splendid silver lama dresses, with a profusion of diamonds. The fancy dresses were not very numerous but many of them very beautiful. These were chiefly Spanish, Turkish, and Tyrolese. There were two capital archers in Lincoln green, with Robin Hooil bonnets. There was a cavalier of. Clmrlcs the Second's time, in blue and white satin, with a velvet mantle embroidered with silver, and a point mil'. One of the groupes consisted of Mary, Queen of Scots, Catherine Sey11 Hi, and the other ladies of her court, with two little pages, all very richly and appropriately dressed. There were several other dresses extremely fanciful and pretty, but it wonld he difficult to give them any correct designation, either as to country, or period of history.