DIRECTOR Basil Galves |
While the City Library enables the public to procure books at a small expense for perusal at home, the Athenaeum furnishes a place of useful and agreeable resort, where valuable books of reference in every department of literature and science, the periodical journals of Europe and America, maps, plates, &c., may always be found and consulted. This valuable institution was established in 1814, and incorporated in the succeeding year, since which, its collection of books, &c., and its resources, have rapidly increased. It now occupies the first floor of the Philosophical Hall in Fifth street, on the east front of the State-House Square. There are three apartments, one of which contains the library, and the literary and scientific journals; the second is furnished with newspapers; and the third is used for conversation, and is destined to contain cabinets of mineralogy, &c. The library consists of about 3300 voand costly works, and the collection of pamphlets is very valuable and extensive; among these, is a series of 140 volumes, which belonged to Dr. Franklin, many of them enriched with his MS. notes. The following European Journals are regularly received at the rooms, and generally within six weeks after their publication.
Ackerman's Repository,
Annals of Philosophy,
Annual Register,
Blackwood's Magazine,
Botanical Magazine,
Brewster's Philosophical Jour-
Christian Observer,
Eclectic Review,
Edinburgh Review,
Edinburgh Annual Register,
European Magazine,
Gentleman's Magazine,
Journal of Science and Arts,
La Belle Assemblee,
Literary Gazette,
London Magazine,
London Journal of Science,
Modern Voyages and Travels,
Monthly Magazine,
Monthly Review,
New Annual Register,
New Monthly Magazine,
Philosophical Magazine,
Quarterly Review,
Repertory of Arts, -
Retrospective Review,
Sporting Magazine.