DIRECTOR   Raul Lubbers


CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent., from the above prices, will be allowed to clubs ordering, direct from L. SCOTT A CO., four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus:— four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered, through agents, Free of Postage. When sent by mall, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four cents a year for " Blackwood," and but fourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always be addressed, post paid, to tin- puliliwers. LEONARD SCOTT A Co., 51 Gold street, New York. N. B.—L. S. A Co. have recently published, and have now for sale, the "FARMER'S GUIDE," by Henry Stephens, or Edinburgh, and the late Prof. Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete In 2 vc*s.. royal octavo, containing 1600 engraving*. Price, In muslin binding, $6. Brs*- This work is not the old " Book of the Farm," lately resuscitated and thrown upon the market. 211. tf. PHAIRS! CHAIRS1 CHAIRS! The undersigned respectfully eall the attention of their friends and the public to the splendid stock of Easy, Library, Reception, Office, and other C II A I R S, At their Warerooms, No.'s452and 4M Broadway, where they are prepared to sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL AT THE LOWEST PRTOF.. CA O Ah I COAL! OOAL1 J Constantly on hand, for family use, the best RED AND WHITE ASH COAL, in size suitable for Range, Grate or Stove, by J. E. J E N N I N G S, COAL DEALER,' No. 21 Hamilton street, Near Catherine street, N. Y. £3r> All orders by post or otherwise, promptly attended to. 218.3ni. AB. REICUENBACH, MANUFACTURER OF PIANO• fortes with the French Grand Action and full Iron Frames, combining strength and durability, and particularly adapted to severe climates. All instruments warranted in every particular. Philadelphia. 203 ly SCHUM ACKER A Co., 292 CHESTNUT ST.. MANUFACTUrers of PIANOFORTES which are acknowledged by competent judges to be among the best made In this country. Also " ORGAN HARMONIUMS," after the pattern of the celebrated Alexander, of Paris, suitable for Parlors, Lecture Rooms and Churches. Containing from 8 to 12 Stops. Prices ranging from $200 to $350. 194 ly. SOHPMACKER .v CO. sjjnn-ji I SOLE AGENCY FOR KOARDMAN AND gE^SSSSSM Gray's celebrated DOLCE COMPANA AT"Is" M TACH.MENT PIANOFORKS. No. 386CHESTJH I f7 Tf NUT STREET, (opposite the L'. S. Mint,} Phlla■ ~ w delphia. Branch No. 117 Market street, Wilmington, Delaware. 194 ly JOHN MARSH. AMllNi.lUA HALL, Corner ul CH.Hlli A.M.I M'lilNO Garden streets. This beautiful Hall is one of the finest in Philadelphia, being adapted for Balls, Lectures and Concerts. It will seat 1000 persons, being SO feet long by 40 feet wide. Two fine Chandeliers, from tho manufactory of Ascher A Warner, decorate tho ceiling. Its interior is beantifully furnished. In addition to the Ball Room will be found large and convenient Retiring Rooms for ladies and gentlemen. In case those giving Balls and desiring Suppers, immediately adjoining the Ball Room will be found an extensive Supper apartment. Mr. Richards, the builder, deserves great credit in erecting this fine building. The Hotel Is under the manageement of MRS. SHELDRAKE A SONS, IH9 tf. Formerly of the Alleghany House. Market St. /1KOHUK Vtitii. MANLFAtriXKER OK PlANuFOKTES, VX and Dealer In Music and Musical Instruments, 148 Arch street, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand a large assortment of PIANOFORTES, MELODEONS GUITARS, VIOLINS, FLUTES. ACCORDEONS, Ac. Ac. Also, a choice selection of SHEET MUSIC, both foreign and domestic. Orders from the country promptly attended to. 173 ly M. f. MtbKAUA, fl A AUFUKlii; Haalkau UUKR,39d Washington street, Boston. Pianofortes to Let, Tuned and Repaired. 178 tf A IKr/ll'.AK, lit K r-ALU, N. IMfuK I M<» OF Foreign Music and Publishers. Sole Agents In the United States for the publishing house of G. M. MEYER, of Brunswick, Germany, whose publications they offer to the trade ou the most favorable terms.