DIRECTOR   Stetson Hermes


For what but to palliate the kianiliatwn of the party rejected. The real motives, of which we will speak by-and-by, would ' not answer this purpose. Others, therefore, were to be discovered; 'ajid 1 am persuaded, the reader will agree, that, in the selection, it was almost impossible to shew less regard for tlie character of tht Prince.——Now, before we come to our observations upon the real cause of thji alteration in the Prince's intention as to a change of the ministry, let us put upon record the answer which the Courier gives to the article above quoted from the Morning Chronicle, which article it very properly stiles the Manifesto of those, who have'had the delicious cup of place and power and profit and patronage dashed from their lips. This article of the Courier is a stinger. The writer speaks in the voice of triumph; he laughs and scofb at his opponent, and well he may. The' victory is so clearly on hrs side. It is s»' complete; that if he did not exult, he' would exhibit an instance of magnanimity by no means to be expected from him.—.' We stated on Thursday that the dismission of the present Ministers was intended as soon as the Regency Bill had received the Royal Assent.—Something like an official notification to that effect was conveyed to them, and they had made the necessary preparation in their respective offices. " The Prince had ' laid his commands upon Lords Gren' ville and Grey to make an arrange' mcnt for a Council that should possess his entire confidence, and these Noble ' Lords undertook the task." This has been officially stated to day. In conse' quence of his Royal Highness's com' mandd an arrangement was formed. ' Lord Grenville was to be the Prime Mi' nister, Earl Grey holding the same situ' ation he did before. Lord Grenville, ' however, is said to have at first expres*' ed his doubts whether so immediate a ' change of Ministers would be advisable. ' But the Foxites, always rapacious and ' thirsting for place, maintained a con' trary opinion—they were for immediate dismissal, and Lord Grenville's doubts ' were removed. But the Regent, escaping on a sudden from that baneful advico that would have made him dismiss his '' father's Ministers, merely because they " were his father's, and select others who " were known not to be in poss'tssion of his «' father's confidence, has adopted a deter" mination that will entitle I'm to th« «• thanks of the whole country. He has •' resolved not to make any change of Mi' nistcrs at this time. This resolution wa* « formed after an examination of his Ma' ji-sty'a Physicians by his Royal lligh' ness's Chancellor, Mr. Adam, in the presence of his Royal Highness, at Carlton House, on Friday last. The ' public have seen the attempts m?,de of late to throw discredit upon the Bulletins, arid to insinuate that his Majesty was not ' so well as they represented him to be. His Royal Highness has ascertained the contrary to be the fact, and the Physicians all concurred in their examination before him, in expressing their confident belief that his Majesty's health will be "completely restored, and in all probabi" lity at no distant period. This unani" mous declaration of the Physicians con" vinced his Royal Highness of the detri«' ment that must accrue to the public in" tercsts from calling men to his Councils " who were known to possess principles so " diametrically opposite to those of the " present Ministers, and who would in all likelihood adopt a total change of system. Soon after the examination, therefore, of ilie Physicians, and at a late hour on Friday night, his Royal Highness sent Mr. Adam lo Lord Grenville, and Lord Hutchinson to Earl Grey, with a message (most unexpected, no " doubt, by them), announcing itto be his "Royal Highness's deleimtnation not to " make any change in the Administration.