DIRECTOR   Eugenio Budnick


Having accomplished this important task, their reason suggests to them the necessity of limiting the number of useful animals to what their wants may require, or to what their farms can afford to maintain. This prudent precaution, the result of the most inconsiderate reflection, has not in any country been extended to the human species. Men in private stations have thought only of gratifying their passions, while rulers, finding it sometimes difficult to execute their ambitious schemes, from the want of soldiers, have encouraged the people to multiply their species, without ever adverting to the possibility of their being able to provide for them. Children being brought into existence, for whom their parents cannot provide the quantity or kind of food necessary to their nourishment, a great proportion rarely attain to that age when they might remunerate either their parents or country for the food which they have consumed in their early years; and filth, the usual attendant of dispirited poverty, added to the sickly constitution of famished beings, introduces the fatal pestilences which have so frequently proved the scourge of nations. Different hordes and colonies have in almost every age, when it could be done with safety, deserted their homes and all that early impressions had endeared to them, in order to obtain, in countries unexplored, the necessaries or conveniencies of life, of which they had been m want in their own: With this resolution they have overtpread flourishing countries, and by their arms, on which alone they relied, have expelled the old inhabitants, and have taken possession of their habitations. The Gauls had overrun several fruitful countries on different occasions. A great horde A horde of having come into Italy, after a residence of founr. years, attacked Clusium, the city of which'Porsennat^eiMihad formerly been king The C'lusians thought1TM' that, as the Gauls were strangers in Italy, and alike hostile to all the states*, they might with propriety apply to the Romans, though there had been no alliance between them. The Roman senate probably foreseeing the consequences which were likely toAmbassaensue, were strangers to be permitted to make from Rom« conquests in Italy, promised the C'lusians aid, and theGaui.» sent an embassy to the Gauls, desiring them to ab-abstiun' Stain from attacking the allies of the Romans from whom they had received no injury; intimating, at the same time, that if they did, they, the Romans, would support their allies with their armsf.