DIRECTOR Tres Velazquez |
The remainder of the paragraph, and of the June communication, has been already answered in the report of June 3, 1856, Bankers' Magazine, August number, p. 129. It may not be amiss, however, to notice the statement that "Mr. Seropyan has made successful photographic copies of red-faced bank notes, (supposed, before, to be proof against this mode of reproduction,") as somewhat remarkable. If Mr. Seropyan has produced successful copies of bank notes printed with black ink, with red protectors, (so called,) the denomination in large red letters, or the face covered with red fine print, as a ground-work for the note proper printed in black, by the crystallotype process, (glass plates,) the question of printing by that process, those two colors, at least, should no longer be doubted by those who state that it has been done. If, however, which is probably the case, he has first removed, by chemical means, the red protectors, or red fine print, and then taken a crystallotype of the note proper remaining in black, the statement is calculated to mislead. The fact stated is either a conclusive argument against the position that colors cannot be reproduced in this way, or it is so mis-stated as to necessarily mislead all persons not somewhat familiar with the subject.