DIRECTOR Kimber Blasenhauer |
WANTED— Experienced lady stenographer; desires position In the South. Address I, 320 N. Main street Louisiana, Mo. j_8
WANTED— Position as bookkeeper or clerk by young married man; a thorough accountant, quick and accurate at figures, and can furnish any references as to capabilities, etc.-that may be required. Address E T care Louisiana Planter.
WANTED— Young man, single, well qualified; desires position as bookkeeper, timekeeper, or clerk on plantation. Can furnish Al references. Address "A C " this office. 5.9'
WANTED— A young, unmarried man desires to secure a position on a sugar plantation. Has had experience as clerk, overseer and other general work. Honest, sober and reliable. Can furnish best of references. Is willing to work for a nominal salary. Address at once J. L. Slack, Tallulah, La. 12-31^98
WANTED— An experienced and practical sugar house chemist would like situation in Cuba or Porto Rico Speaks English only. Address W., care Louisiana planter- __ _____ M-98
WANTED— Position as manager or first overseer on a sugar plantation by a man of family. References furnished. Gallon or address F. F. Merwin 621 Dumalne street, New Orleans. f 2-31-98
WANTED— Position as first overseer on a sugar plantation by a man 30 years of age, well versed In the routine work of a plantation. Address Ely Strode, care Louisiana Planter. 12-31-98
„ WANTED — Position as manager on a sugar plantation Satisfaction guaranteed. After two months' trial If owner is not pleased, no Isalary will be expected. Address Walter Scott, care Louisiana Planter. 12-3WS
WANTED— A position as Assistant Manager or Over8eer°2 a Sugar Plantation. Forty-four years old married. Twenty years experience In handling labor Several years experience in cultivation of Cane Best of references given. Address, M. E. W., Care Verandah Hotel, Baton Rouge, La. 12-28-987
WANTED-Positlon by a mechanical engineer and
Fh2? ? ma,C£,lnlst w,.h° "*• Ras"ed a!I tne Branches of the technical high school In Germany, has had 14 years experience In sugar house work, Is in position many years but wants to change as Chief Engineer or Superintendent for oonsturctlon or repairing of sugar houses. Can give best of references. Address, Sugar House Special, care Louisiana Planter. 12-28-98
T,i W^NiTED~^°1?ltlon M Overieer or Manager on some plantation. Well experienced. Can furnish best of references. J. A. Larkin, Benton P. O., La. _ 12-25-08
«,,K~;ho wl'he8 to learn Profession of sugar boiling desires to correspond with a sugar maker who Is engaged for coming Mexican or Cuban crop State terms for Instruction. Address, A. W. B., 6SB4 Patten St., New Orleans, La. _ 12-23-98
WANTED-A young married man of small family, desires a position In Puerto Rico as time-keeper or sugar weigher. Have had several years' experience in sugar houses; also a very good 'book- keeper. Can furnish best of references. Address C. B. S care Baton Rouge Sugar Co., Baton Rouge, La
WANTED—Situation as chemist or assistant In sugar house, by a young man who has had four years' experience and can furnish best of references. Address D. H. Strutbers, Craig, Nebraska. 12-17-98
WANTED—Position in Cuba, Florida or elsewhere, by an all around up-to-date plantation manager. Am now managing a large plantation ar.d can furnish firstclass references. Address Farmer, Baldwin P. O.,La.
• 12-21-98
WANTED—By a young man of 24, a position In the west Indies,Mexico or elsewhere, as chemist. Have had experience and can furnish good references. Am a university graduate. Spenk German and French. Unmarried. Address E. P. Irwin, Sugar Land, Texas 12-21-t8
WANTED—Young sugar boiler to act as assistant boiler in refinery. Those thoroughly versed In i efl lery boiling will apply to C. R., care Louisiana Planter.
WANTED—A situation on a Louisiana sugar plantation as an assistant or Junior overseer, by one wno has had similar experience in the West Indies. Commencing balary. Address B. A. W., care this office. 12-20-98
WANTED—A competent chemist willing to carry laboratory work for two or three weeks, beginning January 1st. Compensation $30. Address F. E. C., Shadyslde Plantation, Centervllle, La. 12-20-98
WANTED—A man of experience desires a position as hostler on a sugar plantation for 1899. Good references. Write at once to Employee, Houmas Central Factory, Burnslde, Louisiana. 12-21-98
WANTED—Position as manager of sugar plantation for the coming year. Ample experience, hfghef-t recommendations as to capacity, sobriety and ability 1o handle labor. Address D. A. Blouin, Whltecastle, La.
WANTED—Position as manager or assistant on sugar plantation for the coming year. Long experience and first-class references. Address A. G., care of The Chief, Donaldsonville, La.
WANTED—Position as clerk In plantation or town store, by a young man of good habits, well qualified and with best references. Address G. J. A., care of The Chief, Donaldsonville, La.
WANTED—Position as manager on a sugar plantation for coming year. Have had many years' experience and can give good recommendations. Address W. P. Rochblle, Hohen Solms P. O., La. 12-10-98
WANTED—Position for coming year aa manager or overseer on sugar plantation, by married man, 83 years of age, sober, energetic and fully competent. Have had long experience In cultivation of cane and handling labor. Address R., Box 256, New Iberia, La. 12-5-98
WANTED—Position as chemist for coming cane crop by a man of experience. Best of references from past and present employers. Can speak Holland German French and English. Capable of taking entire charge of the chemical work of the factory. Address W. J. Doyer, care First New York Beet Sugar Company, Rome, N. Y. 12-6-98
WANTED—Position as overseer or manager by middle-aged married man, with 20 years experience, ard up to date. Intelligent, practical and economical management assured. Best reference, "Actions speak louder than words." Address Drainage, Room 22 City Hall. 12-3-98
WANTED—By a sober, honest and experienced man who can come well recommended, a position as time keeper, or record keeper, on a sugar plantation. Address C. A. B., 1036 N.Berbigny street, New Orleans. . 12-7-98
WANTED—Position by a good double-effect man with nine years' experience. References first-class. Address Paul Pakr, Gibson, La., care Greenwood Plantation. 12-7-98
WANTED—Position to take charge of the housekeeping department on a plantation. Understand the curing of meat, preserving and pickling, and the cutting ana fitting of plantation out-door clothing. Can furnish best of recommendations, address Mrs. Proctor, A lexandrla, La. 12-7-98
WANTED—Position as manager tor 1899, by a firstclass man of experience and fine references. Will take an asslstancy and work very reasonable. Address E. W. Creiohton, Baton Rouge, La. 12-7-98
W A NTED— Position as second overseer or timekeeper on sugar plantation, for 1899. Address Theo. Baudoin, Jr., Hahnville, La. 12-7-98
WANTED— \ sugar house expert, who is now, and has been for the past five yeara, the head chemist for one of the largest sugar houses In Loulsland, Is open for an engagement for coming crop In Mexico, Cuba or Central • merica. W ill accept u position on any terms consistent with first-class work. Can furnish best of testimonials from present employers and from the University from which he graduated. Address Leda, this office. 12-8-98
WANTED—By a young chemist with university education and one year's experience In large Louisiana factory, a position for Mexlcrn or Cuban campaign. Address A. M., care Louisiana Planter. 11-30-98
WANTED—By a flrst-class sugar boiler to go to Mexico, Central America or the Hawaiian Islands. Will furnish the best of references. Address Manuel Mello, No. 836 Bartholomew street, New Orleans, La. 11-2C-98
WANTED—Position for next crop by an A No. 1 sngar boiler. Is now employed on one of the largest places in the State. Would have no objection to living on the place and making himself generally useful. Is a good cooper. Address Geo. Code, Belle Grove Pl»natlon, Whitecastle, La. 11-25-88
WANTED—Position in this State or Mexico by an A No. 1 sugar boiler who has references of .the very first class. Address Boiler, 507 Chartres street, New Orleans. 11-9-98
WANTED—Chemist wants situation. Graduate of University of Michigan. Have had practical experience in the analysis of sugars and syrups. Am 25 years of age and unmarried. If necessary would be willing to go to the West Indies. Reference from former emnlover given. Address X, this office. 11-28-98
WANTED—Position as book-keeper and utility man In the country. Good references. Address CompeTent, care Louisiana Planter. 11-21-98
WANTED—A position as book-keeper or rranager of a country store bs a thoroughly competent young married man with 14 years' experience. Would also open up and run a drug store in interest of employer. Can furnish A No. 1 references. Address G. C. B., Donaldsonville, La. 11-21-98
WANTED—An expert sugar house man, as chemist or superintendent, is desirous of closing an engagement for coming crop in Mexico or Cuba. Has had six years experience on some of the largest plantations In Louisiana. Can bring references from present Central Factory, and testimonials from Dr. W. C. Stubbs. Those desiring the services of a thorough sugar house man, address Oscar, box 574, Baton Rouge. 11-19-98
WANTED—Position as chemist in Mexieoor Cuba for coming crop. Have had eight years experience and can furnish good references as to ability. Am at present employed at one of the leading sugar houses in Louisiana. Address Chemist, this office. 11-22-98
WANTED—An assistant sugar boiler at once. Address L. A. Ellis, Sartartla, Tex. 11-17-98
WANTED—Position as assistant or head sugar maker. Can furnish first-class references. Address J. L. Wirth, 1916 Toulouse street, New Orleans, La. 11-14-93
WANTED—Position as assistant overseer or timekeeper on a sugar plantation, for 1899. Married man 38 years of age. Address E. V. W., care S. C. Brodowskl, 609 Sixth street, New Orleans. 11-16-98
WANTED—Position as butler by an experienced man. Good references. Will try to make himself useful In every way. Address Emile Terrie, 613 Chartres St., New Orleans. 11-15-98
WANTED—Experienced chemlsl, at present Instructor In a large university in the Northwest, desires position in a wirm cllmat". Best references. Address P. O. Box 1783, Iowa City, Iowa. 11-14-98
WANTED—By experienced man, situation as chemist in sugar house, In Mexico or Central America, for coming campaign. Good reference, sober, competent Address Chemist, care of Glenwild, Berwick, La.