DIRECTOR Pankratios Weiner |
The department, as it then stood, was merely a summer cottage, rendered interesting to a stranger by its neat simplicity, or the beauty of the surrounding scene; and considerable additions were necessary to make it a comfortable family residence. St. Aubert felt a kind of affection for every part of the fabric, whkh he remembered in his youth,, and would not suffer a stone of it to be removed; so that the new building, adapted to the style of the old ont formed with it only a simple and elegant residB 3 ence. ence. The taste of Madame St. Aubert was conspicuous in its internal finishing, where the fame chaste simplicity was observable in the furniture, and in the few ornaments of the apartments, that characterised the manners of its inhabitants.
The library occupied the west fide of the chateau, and was enriched by a collection of the best books in the ancient and modern languages. This room opened upon a grove, which stood on the brow of a gentle declivity, that fell towards the river, and the tall trees gave it a melancholy and pleasing shade; while from the windows the eye caught, beneath the spreading branches, the gay and luxuriant landscape stretching to the west, and overlooked on the lest by the bold precipices of the Pyrenees. Adjoining the library was a green-house, stored with scarce and beautiful plants ; for one of the amusements of St. Aubert was the study of botany