DIRECTOR Pablo Triplette |
The installation of the grand master elect, of the state of New Vork, win celebrated on Thursday last, in a manner which reflected the highest honor upon the fraternity. In pursuance of a resolution of the grand lodge, passed at their annual communication in June last, the M. IV. past G. M. Do Wilt Clinton, was authorized to instal the M. W. G. M. elect, Stepher. Van Rensselaer, in the city of Albany or elsewhere, in such manner as he might deem proper. By all reflecting masons, the occasion was thought to be such1 as required a public expression of their respect for the order, and for the illustrious individuals who were to confer and receive its highest honors. A special meeting of the grand lodge was, therefore, directed to be held, and a committee appointed for the purpose of assisting the grand oiliccrs in making the necessary arrangements. On the day above mentioned, these arrangements were carried into effect, and it now remains for us to give our brethren and others at a distance, some account of the ceremonies which were performed.
Early on Thursday, the crowd which filled our, streets, gave token that the occasion had excited no' ordinary interest. Heaven appeared to smile upon the work—every ceuntenanco was lighted with joy, every heart thrilled with emotion. We all celebrate | the birth day of our nation, and it is easy to trace the I the cause of the feeling, which, on the return of each anniversary, pervades all ranks and classes. But lrore was no military display—not a gun nor a bell an-1 nounced that this was to be a jubilee. But to witness u vast assemblage of those who were united to each other by ties the most solemn, and engaged in duties the mast important, was a spectacle at once novel aud i imposing.
At ten o'clock A. M. the copilol, the use of which j had been generously granted by the proper authorities,. was filled with masons of different degrees—Seperatc rooms having been assigned to the different orders, the marshals had little ditliculty in forming the profession. At eleven o'clock, precisely, the fraternity left t!ie capitol, the procession ha> ing previously been formed in the hall according to ancient usage. The knights templars, with r artial music, preceded the whole, forming an advanced guard. The appearance of the sir knights of Temple. Encampment cannot be too highly commended Their dress was that of Spanish cavaliers, and the appropriate costume of the order. It consisted of a black velvet mantle, a hat of ihc same with rich plumes, side arms and spurs—in addition to which, were the sashes and aprons, and the mystic jewelsof this illustrious order. The richness of their dresses added much lo the splendor of the pageant.