DIRECTOR   Boubacar Spalding


The Hong sisters microwave to the Orient. A812750 3046 Honig, Donald. A779833 2237 A7-»9839 2237 Honig, Edwin. BB51441 3163 Honiq, Solomon. A777117 2169 Hcnigman, Jason L. R640279 3234 Honigmann, John J. A770346 2005 Honk! if you like economy. A799753 27 26 Honnald, John. A763474 1836 A785175 2367 A785176 2368 Honokaa, Hawaii: guidelines and recommendations for a Mamane Street Historic Distri ct- A763422 1934 Honolulu T ron Works Company. R636822 3210 Honolulu Iron Works Company: catalog ot Du Pont products. R637564 3215 Honorable cat award. A760295 1757 Honorable dog award. A760291 1757 The Honorable George Gray, 4th of Philadelphia, his ancestors and descendants. A799961 2730 Honorable monkev award. A760292 - 1757 Honorable ox award. A760293 1757 Honorable pig award. A760290..- 1757 Honorable rat award. A760294 1757 Honorable rooster award. A760289 1757 Honorable tiger award. A760288 1757 H cnor awards for motivation and recognition of medical prof =>ss ionals. A757653 1695 Honorine* s Vietnamese cookbook. A808835 2951 Honor thy parent. A774606 2107 Honsberger, Marion PI. A771923-. 2044 Honsberger, Poss. A8092"'3 2961 Hoo, Bay. A780905 2262 Hoobler, Dorothy. A772051 2047 Hoobler, Thomas. A772051 2047 Hood, Allen. A786234 2393 Hood, Edwin H. A761887 1798 Hood, Gwenyth. A783867 2335 Hood, John Robert. A787975 2435 Hood, M. SEE Hood, Mary Burke. Hood, Mariya. A779241 2222 Hood, Mary Burke. A786473 2399 Hood, Robert E. A802412 . 2790 A802413 2790 Hood, Robert W. A812699 3045 Hood, Wayne K. A763776 1843 The Hood and the Bismarck: the hunting of the Bismarck. R638234 3221 Hood Publishing Company. A736234 2393 The Hoods of Manor Grove. A757153 1683 Hoofnagle, Van Robert. A778768 2210 Hoogenboom, Ari Arthur. A764381 1858 Hoogenboom, Olive. A764381 1858 Roogeveen, Albertus. A794707 260 1 Hook, Donald D. A763450 1835 Hook, Ernest B. A775603 2132 Hook, Frances. A775500 2129 Hook, Sidney. A783778 2333 Hooked BB52502 3190 Hooked on books. A811897 3025 Hooked on Mad. A767125 1926 Hooked rugs. A60162S.. 2771 Hooker, A. Carolyn. A804641 2846 Hooker, Almut. A767533 1936 A781482 2276 Hooker, Dennis. A767531 1936 A767533 1936 A781482 2276 A785385..., 2373 Hooker, Eva Mary. A778415 .- 2201 Hooker, Frederick Johnston. R645367 3274 8645368.. 3274 E645369 3274 Hooker, Jim. A803232. 2809 Hooker, Pichard, pseud. SEE Hornberger, Pichard. Hooker, Ruth. A795134 2612 Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Corpora tion. A804699 2847 Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Corporation. Corporate Traffic Department. A804699 2847 Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Corporation rail car inspection manual. A804699 2847 Hookers don't go to heaven. A789143 2464 Hookey, Peter George. A797302 2666 Hooks, William H. A763051 1825 Hooks: points: teeth—cut off wires and parts. A772778 2064 Hoole, Addie S. A80820S 2935 Hoole, Axalla J. A803802 2825 Hoole, Francis W. A759116 1730 A777">40 2184 Hoole, W. Stanley. A784987 2363 A808208 2935 Hooper, David. A809045 2956 Hooper, Gerry R. A772517 2057 Hooper, Gilbert H. A780986 2265 Hooper, Hubert Paul, Jr. A732190 2539 Hooper, Margaret M. A811768 3022 A811794 3023 Hooper, Mildred. A800191 2736 Hooper, Peter R. A 80 82 90 . 2937 Hooper, Walter. A788274 2442 Hooper Telephone Company. A790246 2490 Hoopes, James Edward. A761319 1784 Hoopes, John Eugene. A806187 288b Hooray tor retirement! A777682 2183 Hoos, Gunther. A780675 2257 The Hoosier cookbook. A777738 2184 Hoot, J. Weldon. B641284 3243 Hoo ten, Ardith. A775357 2126 Hootman, Richard Samuel. A807218 2911 Hoover, Dwight W. A769884 1994 Hoover, Floyd. A811595 3017 Hoover, John Edgar. A811774 3022 Hoover, John P. A797961. 2682 Hoover, Kathryn Ann. A761624.. 1791 Hoover, Kenneth 3. A768763 -. 1966 Hoover, Robert Joseph. A768141 1952 Hoover, Thomas Orlando. A806896 2903 Hoover Institution studies 54. A760531 1763 Hoover, J. Edgar. SEE Hoover, John Edgar. Hoover: la main de fer qui a tenu six presidents a mericains. AFO-85637 3126 Hooverville: the last stop for men down on luck. 6B51376 3161 Hopcraft, David. A807617 2921 Hope. A770776 2016 Hope, Adrian, pseud. SEE Fox, Barry. Hope, A. Guy. SEE Hope, Ashley Guy. Hope, Ashley Guy. A766687 1915 Hope, Jack. A797855 2680 A797856.., 2680 Hope, Nicholas Charles. A790631 ^500 Hope Church Publications. A802548 2793 A803086 2805 Hope-Simpson, Jacynth. AF43943 3081 Hope United Presbyterian Church, Inc., Saint Louis. A802548 2793 A803086 2805 HOP - HOP. INDEX - BOOKS & PAMPHLETS JUL. - DEC- 1976 Hopewell, William J., Jr. A8087i»0 2948 The Hopewell-Prince George story. A7653S3 1883 Hopewell-Prince George, Vic qinia.