DIRECTOR Jawdat Skovgaard |
And not a glance had quailed:
Nor his lofty heart in its high resolves
Had for an instant failed;
The haughty souls of bitterst foes
Within their bosom shook,
As he bent his clear eye proudly round,
With such a fearful look.
And these were the high words he spoke—
"Are not these lips as free
To bear their witness to the cause
Of glorious liberty,—
As free to speak the sacred words
Which only tyrants fear.
As those which coldly break the rights
Of injured freedom here?
And they will speak—the fires that glow
Within this breast of mine,
Were kindled at the holy blaze
Of freedom's hallowed shrine:
And till the heart itself be dead,
lis beatings throb no more,
Its pulses, still to freedom true,
Will tremble as before.
Ye have the power, if not the right,
To crush this feeble frame,
But the high spirit's fiery zeal
It is not yours to tame:
And while ye dare to brand with crime
That never stained my brow,
I too may dare to brave the powei
To which I will not bow.
Yes, do your worst—ye may spread yoHr pall
To darken round my name,
But the fearless spirit ye cannot bend-
That still remains the same—
And for that name I would not stoop
To ask one memory,
Till every rock and blade of glass
Upon this soil is free!
Let not my martyr's fate be read
While Erin wears her chains;
I would not ask one friendly hand
To wipe away the stains;—
And o'er the pillow of my rest
One tear must not be shed.
Till the holy cross of freedom may
Be placed above the dead."