DIRECTOR Spomenka Christiansen |
HAVING parboiled the tongue and udder, blanch the tongue, and stick it with cloves; carefully raise the udder, and fill it with forcemeat made with veal; but some, for the sake of variety, lard it. First warn the inside with the yolk of an egg, and put in the forcemeat; then tie the ends close, and spit and roast them. Baste them well with butter, *and when they be enough, put good gravy into the dish, and sweet sauce into a.cup.
If you choose to force a tongue by itself, without the udder, proceed as follows : Having boiled the tongue till it be tender, let it stand till it be cold, and then cut a hole at the root-end of it. Take out some of the meat, chop it with the same quantity of beef fuet, a few pippins, some pepper and salt, a little beaten mace, some nutmeg, a few sweet herbs, and the yolks of two eggs. Beat all together well in a marble mortar, then stuff the tongue with it, and cover the end with a veal caul, or buttered paper. Roalt it, baste it with butter, and dish it up. Take some good gravy, a little melted butter, the juice of an orange or lemon, and some grated nutmeg. Give it a boil, and pour it into the dish.
Cutlets a la Maintenon.
T HIS is a very good dish, and is made in the following manner : Take a neck of mutton, cut it into chops, with a bone in each, and take the sat oft the bone,and scrape it clean. Take some crumbs of bread,
parfley, parfley, marjoram, thyme, and winter savory, and chop all tine ; grate some nutmeg in it, and season with pepper and salt. Having mixed these all together, melt a little butter in a stew-pan, and dip the chops into the butter. Then roll them in the herbs, and put them in half sheets of buttered paper. Leave the end of the bone bare, and broil them on a clear fire for twenty minutes. Send them up in the paper, with the following sauce in a boat: Chop four shalcts fine, put them in half a gill of gravy, a little pepper and salt, and a spoonful of vinegar, and boil them for a minute.
Ham h-la-braise.
TAKE off the skin, clear the knuckle, and lay it in water to freshen. Then tie it about with a string, and take flices of bacon and beef. Beat and season them well with spices and sweet herbs, and lay them in the bottom of a kettle with onions, parsnips, and carrots fliced, with some chives and parfley. Lay in your ham the sat side uppermost, and cover it with flices of beef, and over that with flices of bacon. Then lay on some fliced roots and herbs, the same as under it. Cover it, and stop it close with paste. Put fire both over and under it, and let it stew twelve hours with a very flow fire. Put it into a pan, dredge it well with grated bread, and brown it with a hot iron; or put it into the oven, and bake it an hour. Then serve it upon a clean napkin. Garnish with raw parfley. If it be to be eaten hot, make a ragoo thus: take a veal sweet-bread, some livers of fowls, cocks-combs, mushrooms, and truffles. Toss them up in a pint of good gravy, seasoned wjth spice to your taste ; thicken it with a piece of butter rolled in flour, and a glass of red wine. Then brown your ham, as above, and let it stand a quarter of an hour to drain the sat out. Take the liquor it was st. wed in, strain it, skim off all the sat, put it into the gravy, and
K 4 boil boil it up with a spoonsul of browning. Sometimes you may serve it up with carp sauce, and sometimes with a ragoo of craw-fish.