DIRECTOR Apolinar Kuntz |
The Attendants were called together by Sound of Trumpet; and the Body, preceded by the Statues of the Deceafed's Anceftors, was carried through the Forum, to the Place where it was to be burnt. Trumpet* were blown on at the Funerals of the Men, during the Proceffion ; as were Flutes at thofe of Children, &c. The Laws of the Twelve Tables limited the Number of rmifical Inftruments to twelve. While the Pile was erecting, the Praifes of the Deceafed were fung in melancholy Strains, accompanied with Mufic fad and folemn t and being kindled, the neareft Relations flung Cyprefs and Perfumes upon it, both to feed the Flamet, and abate the Stench, the Dirge fiill proceeding. When the Body was burnt, the chief Mourners, after warning their Hands in Water, feparated the Bones from the Alhes; and, pourtng new Milk, old Wine, and fetnt-times Elood upon them, wrapt them up in fine Lawn, and then inurned them, placing Sometimes in the Urn a Bottle of Tears (hence on old Monuments, cam laerymis pofui), but always feme Perfume, according to the Quality of the Deceafed. When inurned, they conveyed them to a Monument, in the building of which, in the Times of the old Republic, a certain Sum was not to be exceeded, without forfeiting an equal Sum to the Stale. Thefe Monuments the Greeks fometimes anointed with rich Unguents. The Funeral Ceremony being finifhed, the Relations were entertained with a Supper ; befides which, Antiquaries make alfo mention of three other Kinds of mortuary Banquets.