DIRECTOR Shevchenko Monuments |
THE COMMITTEE OF SECRECY apppoiuted to consider of the State of The Bank of England, with reference to the Expediency of the Resumption of Cash Payments at the. period fixed by law, and into such other matters as are connected therewith ; and to report to the The House such information
. relative thereto, as may be disclosed \viiiimit injury to the Public interest, with their Observations thereupon 5 — ijAVE farther considered the matters to them referred, and have agreed upon the following REPORT:
Your Committee will preface the observations they have to make upon the Mattel's immediately referred to them by the House, by a brief recapitulation of the laws which imposed and have continued the Restriction upon payments in Cash by the Bank of England. '
It is not necessary to advert to the circumstances under which. that Restriction was originally imposed by Order in Council in the year 1797, as they became the subject of Parliamentary inquiry previously to the passing of the Act, by which the Restriction was confirmed and continued. Its duration was limited by the first Act which received the Royal Assent on the 3d May I79i, to the 24th June following. From that period it was continued until oui; "Month after the commencement of the succeeding Session; and again, by the first Act of that session, until one month after the conclusion of the War, by a Definitive treaty of Peace.
In i802, the provisions of the Acts above referred to were continued in operation .until the 1st March of the following year ; they were further continued until six weeks after the commencement of the then next session of Parliament, before which period war having again broken out, they were continued until six months after the ratification of a Definitive treaty of Peace.