DIRECTOR   Oscar Spitznogle


The admirable article in your journal on the charges of medical men is deserving of the highest praise. If your readers would act on the advice there given, there would be few disputes as to the doctor's bill It is the fault of the members of our profession that such disputes arise, because, while the medicines are mentioned in the charges—to say nothing of the cases in which a bill of items is sent to the patient—we allow that we derive profit from the Bale of drugs ; and the buyer, therefore, is anxious that we should get a fair profit, and nothing more. If medical men would give up all charge for medicines, substituting a proper fee for each visit, and supplying drugs (in cases where none could be obtained elsewhere) gratia, they would take the position to which they are entitled—viz., that of men not living on profit derived from the sale of drugs, but members of a noble profession, whose remuneration is for skill applied in the treatment of disease and the relief of suffering humanity. I am, Sir, yours, &c, Medicus. This was an application by Mr. Charles Hay Frewen for a criminal information against Dr. James Pattison, late of Welbeck-street, for certain libellous letters, and for threatening to publish certain libellous matter. The case was this:—Dr. Pattison had attended the late Mrs. Frewen, who had suffered under cancer, and subsequently died. He had received 150 guineas for his services, but claimed 100 guineas more, and this being refused he wrote a series of letters to Mr. Frewen of a very offensive character, and suggested that he intended to describe the case in a work he was about to publish, with all the details of that cruel and painful disease. Mr. Frewen referred him to his attorney, and declared his full readiness to meet the claim in any fair and proper way. But an action which had been commenced to recover the money claimed was not proceeded with, and, instead of that, these letters continued to be sent. When Mr. Frewen returned them others were sent open, so that anyone could read them ; and the defendant threatened that the next should be on cardboard and sent to Mr. Frewen's club. The Court had at once granted the rule, and there was no affidavit in denial.