DIRECTOR Guy Smiley |
That a man be loved the better by men the nearer they come to him : is not this the fact of all facts ? To know what extent of prudential diplomacy (good, indifferent, and even bad) a man has, ask public opinion, journalistic rumor, or at most the persons he dines with : to know what of real worth is in him, ask infinitely deeper and farther; ask, first of all, those who have tried by experiment; who, were they the foolishest people, can answer pertinently here if any where. 'Those at a distance esteem of me a little worse than I; those near at hand a little better than I:' so said the good Sir Thomas Browne; so will all men say who have much to say on that.
The Choquenard Military Boarding School having, if not fulfilled its function, yet ceased to be a house of penance, and failed of its function, Marquis Mirabeau determined to try the Army. Nay, it would seem, the wicked mother has been privily sending him money ; which he, the traitor, has accepted ! To the army therefore. And so Pierre Buffiere has a basnet on his big head ; the shaggy pock-pitted visage looks martially from under horse-hair and clear metal; he dresses rank, with tight bridle-hind and drawn falchion, in the town of Saintes, as a bold volunteer dragoon. His age was but eighteen as yet, and some months.