DIRECTOR Constantine Rafinesque |
Being experts on insanity, they saw much more of the lawyers
when they did any medical practice or work—for they often
testified in c0urt~than they did of other medical men. This
class of men—were it not for their court practice—was in great
danger of being removed from the position of physicians in
actuality. They were specialists in insanity, organizers and
stewards, but not general physicians or practitioners. From
this position the psychiatrists have been awakened, at least
partially. Various causes have led to this result. Weir Mitchell‘s
famous address turned the attention of the profession as a whole.
as well as that of the superintendents themelves, to this state of
affairs. Psychiatry began to be better taught in the medical
schools although even at the present day its condition, as re
gards instruction in this country, is pitiable. But more impor
tant than all else a new spirit has entered into many of the
younger psychiatrists. Superintendents are beginning again to
ally themselves with their other medical brethren. Clinics at
the institutions for the insane are opened for the general medical
practioner. The psychiatrist sometimes attends a general
medical meeting and almost feels-himself a real member of the
I venture to bring before you to-day for your consideration
these well known facts because in certain respects we. engaged
in the treatment or care of the feebIe-mindd, have been exposed
to the same dangers as the psychiatrists. It is one of the
highest functions of thissociety, it is oneof the things for which
it stands foremost, for which it is most valuable, that it enables
us to avoid these dangers. It brings to us all ideas, thoughts
and suggestions from specialties not our own.