DIRECTOR Werknesh Sorg |
A mighty spirit is abroad in the earth, overturning the pillars of despotism, and the fetters of bondage. With the friends of freedom throughout the world, let us be co-workers. Let the present effort be but the glimmering twilight of a day of unclouded glory. Remember that this is but the lopping off of but one single head of the political monster that feeds on human gore; the other niaety-nine are hissing and sputtering fiercely as ever. So long as you allow Social Capital to make laws for Labor, standing out for higher wages, or reducing the hours of toil, will only be doing the work by halves. There must be a radical reform—and this can only be accomplished at the ballot boxes. Allow the Capitalists to make a compromise with you—allow them to play the lawgiver, and they will not care a brass farthing how few hours you work, or what prices you receive. They will take good care how. to strike the balance when they come to pay you for your labor. For every hour you substract from toil, they will levy an indirect tax upon you that shall treble its value. No. There is not a nabob in Boston that would raise a finger to prevent the ' ten hour system ' if he thought the great work of reform would stop there; for all that could be remedied in a hundred ways by partial legislation next Winter. But the great fear of those who grow rich upon your industry, is, that if you get time to improve your minds, you will get your eyes open to the monstrous frauds that have been perpetrated upon you by the heathen idolaters—the worshippers of Mammon. Let their worst fears be realized. Shoulder to shoulder, man to man, our fathers fought and triumphed; let their sons profit by their illustrious example. Shrink not—disband not—and fear nothing.