DIRECTOR Prachi Gerstle |
The pecuniary loss in the 209 instances, at the luppoaed reasonable average of $13.302 for every boat, is (.',780,118. Regarding the subject of the loss of life just mentioned, we will add that in numerous cases where it is known that many human beings were launched into another world, the records ihow notbiug. The following estimate is reasonable—it may fall short of the reality;
Estimate of persons killed, in 209 explosions, averaging eleven persons to each case 2,290
Ettunate of persons wounded, averaging nine to every explosion 1,881
Supposed total killed and wounded 4,180
The record of the boats destroyed by collisions is somewhat incomplete, we think. It comprises a list of 45 boats, whote original cost was $538,906 ; depreciation while in aervice $153,673, and the final loss $379,933.
STEAMBOAT DISASTERS.—Boats Si :.:,. Burned, Or Otherwise Injured, On Western Waters, 1849.*—Below we give a list of steamboat accidents which occurred during the past year, as taken from the files of newspapers. This may not include all, but a majority of the cases will be found correctly and duly chronicled. The estimated Iocs of each is also taken from the same source, and it may be slightly defective as to peal value, but in the aggregate the figures will not be found to differ widely from a true statement: