DIRECTOR Donato Armbruster |
The numerous ports of entry in this very healthy and thriving bureau are, viz.:—Auckland,Bay of Islands, Hokianga Kiapara, Taranaki, and Wellington on the North Island, arid Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago on the Middle Island. The Southern or Stewart's Island at present is not settled, and no port established. They are in from latitude 34° to 37° south. The small group of islands, called the Chathams, adjacent, are claimed by the colonial government, and under the jurisdiction of th'e province of Auckland. They are distant about 500 miles from Stewart's Island, and are frequented by American whale ships for vegetables and water.
The commerce of this colony, owing to restrictive policy and illiberal land regulations, combined with a want of enterprise among the settlers, is very limited, and much below its capacity. The leading article of export from either of the islands is wool ; the more northern ports produce in addition, Kauri spars, Totari timber, and Kauri gum. Flax is indigenous to the whole colony, growing wild in large quantities, but little has, however, yet been prepared for export, and several provisional companies have been gotten up for the purpose of manufacturing it, which nave invariably failed for want of capital. A large inter-colonial trade also exists between the different ports, in grain, lumber, and potatoes; of the latter, which are unsurpassed in quality and size, 20,000 tons are annually shipped to Australia.
Auckland, the most northern port, in latitude 37° south, is the seat of government, owing to which, it is generally supposed to be the most flourishing settlement. It is materially assisted by the home government in encouraging emigrants to settle, and free grants of land are offered them as an inducement, which course is also pursued with the other ports —more assistance, however, is extended to this settlement. The actual exports of the Auckland Province do not compare in extent with those of the more southern ports, from which many cargoes of wool, the most important staple, are shipped direct to Europe, and but small shipments have boon made from the actual production of Auckland. The aboriginals or Maori's, who are, without doubt, the finest of the race of South Sea Islanders or Kanakas, come'greatly in competition with the emigrants in their agricultural productions; they exist in larger numbers at this end of the New Zealand group, and seem to have migrated owing to the mildness of the climate; they are also susceptible of quickly generating into European habits of industry, and do not fall into vicious habits so readily, differing in this respect from most other Pacific aboriginals. The climate is genial and very dry, and this province is a great resort for invalids from India—persons inclined to consumption are greatly benefited by a residence here. The trade of this port may be said to be local with the neighboring provinces, the only exception is a small trade with the Feejee Islands and New Caledonia, and the inter-colonial trade in grain, lumber, and potatoes with the Australian ports. A few cargoes of Kauri spars, reshipments from Hokianga, and an occasional transfer of oil from whaleships, are the total of large shipments to Europe. Latterly four saw mills have been erected, and the result is a clearance of a few small cargoes of Kauri and Totari lumber to Shanghae. No steam machinery with this exception exists. Auckland is the head quarters of the military of the colony, and also the seat of government, which does not seem to have created any additional spirit of enterprise. The country is well timbered, and but few sheep stations exist here, which to the other settlements, are a great source of wealth. The land is allotted out into farms, being different in this respect to the other provinces, and a ready sale for their surplus produce is not always to be had. As a harbor of refreshment for whaleships, its importance is becoming known. Regularity of the wails from Europe and America, and facilities for obtaining supplies of every kind, render it far preferable to the Bay of Islands for recruiting, which has of late years been the rendezvous for the New Zealand whaling ground. The advantages of, and good sailing directions foc^tbis port, have been distributed of late among the whaling fleet, and at the whaling ports of the United States. Crews are readily obtained in the event of desertions, which, however, seldom occur. At the Bay of Islands stores supplied to the ships are brought from Australia, and vegetables,