DIRECTOR Portcullis Fink |
AS yet it ever was a doubt,
In ether words not tlrar found out,
Why Proteus had such quick transition.
Without beingcall'ddame Scandal's minion;
'Tis this employs the poets pen,
To make it clear, to modern men ;
That falshood ne'er was his attendant,
Whatc'er's been said by prudes conversant,
"Cause he for justice changes stupe,
E'en spleen not enters in his make : .
Tho' quick from fire can change to rain,
No form appears like woman's brain.
'■ Of tea-pots with an arm held oat,
" The handle this, perhaps the spout;
" Turn maids as teeming fancy works,
" Make virtue bottles, fin like corks."
He keeps his sex, and keeps it too
More virtuous, than the players do ;
Yet often makes the nightly train,
If Roscius plays at Drury-Lsncs
For when divested of the art,
His actions bear a moral part,
Without a mask a worthy man.
Cease Scandal! urudet hold up your sari !
Proteus wears justice, candour fair,
Whate'er his changeling features arc !
One grain of faitii afford me now,
It asks but one mruc grain 1 vow 5
You may believe *tis truth 1 tell,
Wh.it I relate has oft hef.-Hi -
Turns witch to vaniih at the trap,
After the thunders rowl'd a clap ;
Or haply with confed'rate hags
That stride the stick? sot, rerial nags.
To lend an aid to Gatrick's show,
No man can equal htm belww t
It follows now how oft he'sbeen,
Spectator of the tragic scene ; Whoa