DIRECTOR Secundus Hruodnand |
Almighty Father ! deign to hear
A groveling mortal's feeblo lays.
Who, filled with wonder, love and fear.
Attempt* the rcpturous work of praise.
Around the sweetly smiling land,
Where'er I turn my raptured eyes,
I see with joy the powerful hand
That stretched immense yon radiant skies.
When spring returns to glad our land,
Thy bounty robes the laughing vale.
Dead matter wakes at thy command !
And insect millions load the gale.
The glittering dew proclaims thy power,
The fpringing grass, the waving corn,
And every herb, and every flower.
That scents the roiealo breath of morn.
Not less thy hand, All-moving Soul!
In the least, humblest worm, I trace, *
Than in yon glorious worlds4fcal roll
Throughout the unmeasured fields of space.
The ploughman plies his annual toil,
For wasting nature to provide;
With jocund heart he turns the soil,
And throws the future harvest wide.
Bat vain his hopes, his labours vain,
If thou forbid the germ to grow ;
'Tis thou must send the geni.il rain,
And bid the fostering breezes blow.
From Thee, exhausllnss source of good !
Poor man his little all receives ;
Thy bounty floxvs a boundless flood,
And feeds and blesses all that live*.
O may the portion, Power Divine !
Of thy blest wcrks which here I see,
My groveling thoughts exalt, refine,
And lead my wandering soul to thee.
And while on this daik world I stray,
Do thou o'er all my steps preside,
And bear me o'er each slippery way,
My God, my Father, Friend, and Guide.