DIRECTOR Vercingetorix Taisto |
Humboldt's visit to London in the summer or fall of 1818, had something of a political cast, for in addition to his receiving a commission from the Allied Powers to compose a political treatise on the colonies of South America (probably in relation to the boundaries of French and Portuguese Guiana) he was summoned by the King of Prussia to Aix-la-Chapelle, where the Congress of the Allied Powers was to be held. He arrived there on the 13th of October, and remained till the 26th of November. Famous as Aix-la-Chapelle was, for the treaties that had been signed there, it was never so resplendent as now. The object of the Congress being an important one, namely, the settling of all the old scores that Napoleon had entailed upon Europe, before and after the battle of Waterloo; the adjustment of that formidable bugbear, the Balance of Power; in short the formation of what has since been called the Holy Alliance,—(as if any alliance between kings and emperors could be holy !) it was necessary for all the leading potentates of Europe to be present. Thither came the King of Prussia, and the Emperors of Russia and Austria, each with Ks train of diplomats, astute statesmen, headed by the wily Metternich, and the sagacious Nesselrode. France sent Talleyrand, and England Castlereagh and Wellington. On the 5th of November came William Von Humboldt, somewhat disgusted with politics. Another potentate was present, though we question his being taken into the account by many of the great personages that attended the Congress. It was Alexander Yon 362 WORKS PUBLISHED FROM 1819 TO 1829.
Humboldt, who was holding a Congress of his own To this few were admitted save himself, and the King of Prussia. It related to his old scheme of travelling in Asia. The king promised to defray the expenses of his preparations, and to allow him twelve thousand thalers a year during the journey, which he purposed to commence at once. His plans, however, were thwarted, as they usually were in such cases, so he returned to Paris.