DIRECTOR Diamond Cullen |
My Lord, what I now (with all deference) prefrence to Your Lordfbip, is not any fiiperficial, flight Notion of my own, but that which is here tender'd, is a NATURAL HISTORY, i drawn from trfe Writings of the Beaux Efprits,, or the greateft Wits, of the Prefent Age upon thefe feveral Subjects, fo that I queftion not but Your Lordfbip will meet with fome Remarques, that may be Entertaining, Ufeful, and not Common. And if upon any, Account it 'be acceptable' to Your Lordjhip, I have then fully attaind my End; fince the utA 3 mod
mbft I can pretend to, is but a fewer-Corn Acknowledgment from,
WHoever Surveys the Curious Fabrick of the VNlfHERSEi can never imagine, that fo Noble a Structure fhould be Framed for Ho other Vfe, than barely for MANKIND to live and -.breath in. It was certainly the Defign of the great Architect, that hit Creatures fhould afford not only Neeeffit* ries and Accommodations to our Animal partt but alfo Inftruifions to cm InteJ* ledtuaL Every Flower of the field, every fibre of a Plant, every Particle of an Infelf, carries with it the Impreis of its Maker, and can (if duly confided) read us Lettures of Ethicks or Divinity. The deeper inftght any Man hath into the Affairs of NAtVRE, the more he dipcovers of the Accuratenefs, and Art, that is in the Contexture of Thmgs: 'for the Works of God, are not like the Compofitions of Fancy, or the Tricks of Juglers, that will not bear a clear Light, or firicl Scrutiny ; but their Exaiinefs receive* advantage front the feA 4 vcreji