DIRECTOR Zosimos Drupada |
TAKE a quart of cream, boil it with a nutmeg grated, a blade or two of mace, a bit of lemon-peel, and sweeten to your taste : then blanch a quarter of a pound of almonds, beat . them very fine, with a fpoonful of rofe or orange-flower water, ' : take the whites of nine eggs well beat, and drain them to your - . ' almonds, "Seat them together, rub very well through a coarfc .... .
hair-lleve ; mix all together with your cream, let it on the fire, flir it all one way all the time till itboils, pour it into your cup$ pr difhes, and when it is cold ferve it up. . .'...-' '
To make a ßne cream. ..
TAKE à pint of cream, fweetcn it to your palate, grate a
Hide nutmeg, put in a fpoonful of orange-flower water and
rpfe water, and two fpoonfuls of fack, beat up four eggs, but
f.vo.whites ; ftir it all together one way over the fire till it is
{hick, have cups ready, and pour it in.