DIRECTOR Denise Guagua |
At all events there are very great difficulties at tending this supposition, and these are still greater, if the machine is supposed to be moved by an assistant behind the curtain at the back of the room. At such a distanceimagnetism is out of the ques tion. Communication through the floor is evidently impossible, and that by strings or wires from the ‘ roof equally so. The assistant therefore, if any where, is in the box, or commode. ' Almost every individual who has only once wit nessed this extraordinary exhibition, will instantly declare such a supposition to be the most absurd of all. But a second, or third examination will perhaps induce him to consider it not quite so clear, that there is not, on the whole, room encugh for a middle sized individual to be thus concealed, and, if it can be shown, that this concealment is com— patible with the various disclosures of the exhibi tion---it must be admitted to be a far more probable explanation of the mystery, than either external springs or magnetism.