DIRECTOR Pyotor Kropotkin |
She has not only refused to_sc-
knowledge us as Head of the Empire,
but treated us with all Kinds of Con-
tempt, our Decrees as Pamphlets, and
the Diet wesummoned as a void Assem-
bly. The Archives of the Empire are de-
spotically detained by her, several Fiels of
the Empire unjustly setz:d, and others
rJifmembtr'd at her Pleasure.—The pres-
sing Representations of the whule Em-
pire, to restore the Archive?, have been
eluded by the Pietext, that she hid n.-t
been able to separate them from those
of her House; by which, Justice has been
interrupted, and Parties at Law greatly
aggrieved. Our Electoral Patrimony has
bten entirely ruinedj solemn Declarati-G
ons and Cipitulations viclared, aud Hosti-
lities committed against several Princes
of the Empire. Immense Sums have been
exacted, and Confiscations, Tortures, Ba-
nishments, and all Sorts of Severity used
in Bohemia, against poor People, entirely
innocent" of any Offence, and in express H
Contradiction to J Capitulation of Prague.
* TbtQuem't Answer Jayi nitbim vita awrtr1 —■ p. 488. G.
Treaty of Alliance and Union eonchded at Franctort, May zz, 1744. WHereu after the Demise of hit late Imperial Majesty CharUi 6th, there arose, in Regard to the Austrian Succession, Incidents f, of extreme Consequence, whereby not only our dear Country, Germans, haa been plunged into deplorable i_aUmit.ef, but Things have been pushed to such Eatremrt e> a> to make one dread a total Subversion of .he Holy Raman Empire, iti System, in Laws, and iti Coriftmtion ; the most Serene Prince and Lord Char.'n the 7th, elected Emperor of tbe Romani, (here fbUow the Titlea at large) the mast Serene Prince and B Lord Frederick K. of Prnjsta, aa Elector of Braedenb.urg, Sec. the Serene Prince and Lori Char Ut TbaJore, at Elector Palatine, &:. aad the most Serene Prince end Lord Frederick King of Siveden, M Landgrave of Htji, Sec betes animated by their paternal Affection for the Empire, and the Zeal of true Patriots for ib* common Prosperity of Germany, their dear Country, as well aa for the firm Support of the System of the Empire, hare made between them in Act sir a binding and constant Union, at follows, by their Mini ers Plenipotentiary.
I. The grand Aim and principal View of this League is, that all the Holy Roman Empire be preserved in its accustomed C^.TstKutioa, pursuant to the Treaty of WesipbaUa, and the Fundamental Laws of the Empire ; that Peace 'tared in Germany ; and t, Power and Dignity be kept up.
a. The most high and high Allies oblige 'themselves to employ all thr good Offices imaginable with the Court of sunns, to the End, that in the first Place she rruy acknowledge fat' Head of the Empire his present Imperial Maj ily ; that flic may deliver up the Archive!