DIRECTOR   Marcus Dollup-Seaman


In every well governed state there must be bounds set to toleration j and when those bounds are marked and known, thole who will not confine themsJves within their limits have no reason to plead for their extension. No man fuiely wiil contend fur a toleration detrimental either to the church, or state. No man in this kingdom is debarred the right of private judgment in matters of religion, provided he broaches no doctrines by whjch the foundations of morality and civil government are affected. Every Protestant publickly exercises without controul the privilege of worshiping God in what manner he thinks is molt acceptable. And greater toleration no man, 262 Proceedings in F man, whose views are purely spiritu al, canwisti. I am therefore, at the fame time that I profcst myltlf a friend to toleration, entirely apainst innovations. The na ion ii happy in an tstabliftied church, and an established Form of government, and I frankly own I am for admitting no alteiatioo in cither. Sir W—r B—/.] I also, Sir, rise tip professedly to oppose this bill. We have heie before us petitions from Dissenters in opposition toDilsenterf, praying that no alteration may be made in the matter of subscription. It it evident therefore, that Inch of the members of that body, whose tender consciences oblige them to dissent from the established church, and who do not - lust after preferments, do not think the miner of subscription any grievance ; nay, they wish chat the law may Continue as it now is, to prevent the avaricious and world-minded members among them from receiving a reward for their bypo'nl'y. Thereiief the promoters of the hill seek, is, that the restraint may be taken- off that prevents their (hating in the erholuin*nti of the tote. Let them but do that,,and we shall heir no more of subscription as a grievance. To prescive unilorinity of worship, some tubscripion is ahiolnrely tiKcessary. The Dissenters themselves requite in their different communities a iblemn declaration equivalent to subscription. And it is highly probahie, that, were the present promoters of the hill gratified in what they request, the different sectaries would not HI be contented with the foim which these fuopose to substitute, but would, in another session, pray to have it new. enotlelled after their manner ; so that, should we once begin to give wiy to one stt of Dissenters, no one can tell what the rest may require. Let us, therefore, he mirdful of our ecclefias tical constitution, as well as our civil, and admit of no alterations in the one any more than the other.